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Whites Only~ ~ ~"Whiteness" is a condition, not necessarily a life sentence. But you have to want to be more than "white" to change it.~ ~ ~Think...Question...Read...Learn...

Who were your ancestors before they turned "white"?

Unless you are indigenous to this land, YOU are the descendant of an immigrant.

Yes, we're back on this point because a whole bunch of "white" folks--and especially billionaires like the Koch brothers and the politicians they've purchased through the American Legislative Executive Council (ALEC)--are getting meaner and making themselves crazier because they think the "not white" folks are taking over.

Of course, it's understandable what with the President of the U. S. being Black and all the Brown folks whose numbers are rising exponentially not just in birthrates, but also as voters at the polls. Why shouldn't the whiteness alarm be as deafening as it is?

That's precisely why it's the perfect moment to refresh our memory on the whole issue of who "belongs" here and who doesn't, who's "American" and who ain't, and who's entitled to what, when, and how much.  Read More 
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