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Whites Only~ ~ ~"Whiteness" is a condition, not necessarily a life sentence. But you have to want to be more than "white" to change it.~ ~ ~Think...Question...Read...Learn...

Tucson, AZ United School District (TUSD):How 21st Century White Supremacists Sparked a 21st Century Beatdown

At Tucson High School, the famous Mexican American Studies (MAS) program boosted graduation rates among Latino students to 93%.

Naturally, that scared the hell out of white supremacist Tucson United School District (TUSD) board members and their counterparts among state politicians.

So what did they do?

Proclaiming that MAS specifically--and ethnic studies generally--promote “racial solidarity” and anti-Americanism, ignorant TUSD board members and nut-wing politicians went on a rampage to wipe out MAS and ban books.

What did Tucson students, parents, and teachers do in response?

They mounted a brilliant, inspiring push back chronicled in the documentary Precious Knowledge that aired on the PBS Independent Lens series. A MUST SEE!
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